.Nearly every day there is anywhere in the world a natural disaster.This happen many times in South East Asia and especially in the Philippines.We help people around the World but especially in South East Asia.Doesn't matter if they have a good business idea but don't get a credit from their Bankbecause their house was destroyed by an earthquakeor if they are victims of a Typhoon, Tsunami and / or another disaster.Firehorse Foundation will also help people without internet connection to use one for free.Especially in South East Asia.This will primary happen by hotspots for example in schools or at public places.We also support some IT Students by paying some or all of their semester fee.In order to be able to continue, to exist and expand on its own account beside any donations,the Firehorse Foundation will operate a "farm" that generates Crypto Currencies.In this case, a certain percentage of the generated Currency remain as profit.Some of this we use to build further "hotspots".Our primary Business Purpose is creating and offering internet platforms about advertisementand information because this makes us able to do Donations without reiceiving Donations.We will use nearly all our profits for our social projects to help people who need it.But of course we are always very thankful to receive any amount as Donation.Because we want to increase the number of Donators and Members we run a Quiz.If you as a Member answer the 3 questions correct you can win an attractive prize !Please help us to help people because they need it immediately.Please make a donation right now. Feel good because you do something good.Thank you very much in advance !
With MyEcash.Net
you can donate any
amount of any Crypto
or any other Currency.
the Bank / Wallet data by email.
.Please help us to help people because they need it immediately.Please make a donation right now. Feel good because you do something good.Thank you very much in advance !To become right now a Club Member with a donation of $200just click the button $200 "Pay".But of course any other amount is also very welcome.So we can help others to help themselves..