Quiz / Raffle - Firehorse Foundation

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Win the Quiz for Club Member !

Currently we have an easy quiz for all our Club Member.
If you are right now already a Donator or a "Newby" you still have the chance to win the Quiz.
Just become a Club Member with a donation of only $200 right now.
Each donation of $200 is qualified to win the Quiz
and each donation equals to 1 Ticket for the Quiz.
After we receive 2.000 qualified answers we put the Members number of the correct answers in a pot to find the winner by a raffle. If there are only 1.000 tickets until June 30. 2023 we will start the tombola without waiting for the 2.000 tickets of 2.000 donations.
After you are qualified to join the Quiz you can win one of the following prizes :

1. a House in the Philippines
2. a Pick Up Truck
3. a Yamaha Scooter / Motorbike
4. a Laptop
5. a 32" TV
6. a Tablet PC
7. a Samsung Smartphone
8. a Huawei Smartphone
9. a Nokia Mobilephone
For a faster growing of our Community we donate to each Club Member directly 20% of any donation that comes from someone who was reffered to us by this Club Member. Please keep in mind, this is a donation from Firehorse Foundation directly to you as a reward because you recommend someone to become also a Club Member.
That's our way to thank you for helping us to help others. You will get this donation only for new Club Members that you directly bring in and who call you as their reference in their registration at Firehorse Foundation.
If you live abroad and for what ever reason you can't come to the Philippines, Firehorse Foundation will buy prize 1 to 5 back from you. Prize 6 to 9 we will send as a package or we give it in person to you like we do that with the prizes 1 to 5 anyway. The fotos are just samples to imagine how your prizes look like.

Here comes the Quiz :
1. Big Ben is located in ...
a. Amsterdam
b. Berlin
c. London

2. Der Eiffel Turm is located in ...          
a. Moscow
b. Sidney
c. Paris     

3. Die Golden Gate Bridge is in ...
a. New York
b. Atlanta
c. San Francisco



With MyEcash.Net
you can donate any
amount of any Crypto
or any other Currency.
Just fill the form and you get
the Bank / Wallet data by email.

Please help us to help people because they need it immediately.
Please make a donation right now. Feel good because you do something good.
Thank you very much in advance !

To become right now a Club Member with a donation of $200
just click the button $200 "Pay".

But of course any other amount is also very welcome.
So we can help others to help themselves.
Copyright by : Firehorse Foundation ©
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